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Bark cloth traditional technologist and art creators


       2012年徵選上臺灣史前文化博物館駐園藝術家開始陸續接獲中友百貨、十三行博物館等地邀展及駐村創作,並在2018 PULIMA藝術獎中獲得優選;戎依為使樹皮布工藝能自然地運用在生活當中並延續下去,於2015年成立獨樹依織工作室/Unique Tapa製作生活物件,其商品也在曼谷、北京、東京、法國等國家曝光展售。

Lin Jungyi, an Amis from Taitung, Taiwan, known in her native language as Halomei, graduated from the Institute of Ethnic Arts at Donghua University. With a background in fine arts from high school and university, she was introduced to the traditional Amis bark cloth craft in 2011. Since then, she has committed herself to studying the cultural roots and techniques of bark cloth production, with the goal of innovatively blending Taiwan’s Indigenous bark cloth traditions with contemporary textile aesthetics.

In 2012, she was selected as a resident artist at the National Museum of Prehistory in Taiwan, which led to further invitations for exhibitions and residencies at venues such as Chungyo Department Store and the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology. She was also awarded a Merit Award in the 2018 PULIMA Art Award. In 2015, to encourage the natural integration of bark cloth crafts into daily life, Jungyi founded Unique Bark Studio, where she creates lifestyle products that have been exhibited and sold internationally in cities including Bangkok, Beijing, Tokyo, and Paris.

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